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Frederick Rickmann
"Hot AIR" is a most appropriate description of the AIR audio system from STEENSSEN. The word "hot" carries many meanings with it and most...

Frederick Rickmann
"Hifi is the male equivalent of anti-wrinkle cream"
The quotation marks in the title are because I have to admit that I stole the line from an article by Jonathan Margolis in the Guardian....

ARSA 3D Sound research in Graz
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria joined STEENSSEN in carrying out research into 3D sound. The masters...

Frederick Rickmann
We hear all the time about how technology is moving so fast. However it is worth pondering a little about the fact that the Boeing 747...

Frederick Rickmann
Danish Sound and Danish Design Always Seem to Go Together
Why do Danish hifi and Danish design seem to go so well together? The fact that the modern loudspeaker as we know it was invented by a...

Frederick Rickmann
Touch wood!
The old English expression, "touch wood" is usually used when you want to avoid bad luck or to avoid your plans going wrong. For example,...

Frederick Rickmann
It is really very logical that you get the best natural sound if you use natural materials. Most musical instruments use quality wood or...

Frederick Rickmann
Clean AIR - a fresh generation
There is a fresh mindset for the new generation. We want a clean planet. We want clean health. We want a clean lifestyle. There is not...

Frederick Rickmann
Thought Activation
Research has shown that each individual brain has a unique thought pattern identity. NP8 researches totally new technology for...

Sound Hub virksomhed vil bringe produktionen tilbage til Struer
Offentliggjort den 18. maj 2021 Af STRUER LYDENS BY “Jeg tror, det er tid til at bringe produktionen tilbage til Europa og især til...

Frederick Rickmann
The cutting-edge is always slippy
Patience is a virtue they say. But being impatient to get things done is also a strong driving force. Also in this case. Our STEENSSEN...

Who doesn’t have sleepless nights?
Published on 14. January 2020 By City of Sound The fact that you are reading this story right now is a testament to how newsworthy it is...
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