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A STEENSSEN isn't at Stradivarios – yet

Frederick Rickmann

The Stradivari family in Italy were violin builders in the 17th and 18th century. The violins they crafted are considered some of the finest instruments ever made, and are extremely valuable collectors’ items. Many musicians are of the opinion that the quality of their Stradivarious sound has defied attempts to explain or equal it.

A STEENSSEN isn't at Stradivarios – yet

Well we are not comparing STEENSSEN loudspeakers with these fine Italian instruments. However we have experienced intriguing events. About a month ago we were contacted by a person who had acquired a damaged TT Grand SE and requested some spare parts that are difficult to obtain. He was completely blown away by the sound of STEENSSEN when the restoration was complete.

As yet there are not many second hand STEENSSENs on the market. Most people seem to enjoy them for a while. Normally, second hifi gear changes hands at only a fraction of the original price. With STEENSSEN products, it seems that they do retain a good part of their economic value. Although we admittedly don't have much evidence for saying so, but it seems that STEENSSSEN do indeed maintain a high second hand value. Much more than we expected.

A STEENSSEN isn't at Stradivarios – yet

In no way are we implying that STEENSSENs are beginning to be collectors’ items. Nevertheless it seems that some sales are going in that direction. Can it be the standard of finish or quality of the sound? It is difficult to say. But it is an intriguing development. To all you STEENSSEN fans, it can well be that your loudspeaker is actually rising in value.



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