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Frederick Rickmann
Singing and togetherness
In this age of lock-down, social distancing and self-isolation, the great expectation was that digitalisation would be one of the saving...

Frederick Rickmann
Be lazy with ACTION
One of the many interesting aspects to come out of the present pandemic is that there is now a lot of scientific data about what happens...

Frederick Rickmann
Listening is the new together trend
In a world turned upside down it is refreshing to see that some of the things that bring us together are in fact some of the more...

Frederick Rickmann
Livestream your own concert
All over Europe, the lock-down restrictions are being removed, allowing more movement and contact. It’s great that the pandemic is on the...

Frederick Rickmann
Are you delaying priorities?
人生真正重要的事情往往被瑣事絆住直到再也無法回頭那一刻 家中六個小孩都和父母同住的二十幾年間,正值青少年的我們對任何音樂、樂器的喜愛已經到了狂熱的地步,我們常要父母一起聽音樂,先父總是說:「等我老了有空…」直到2003年64歲離開我們,留下一堆「等我有空」的待辦事項。...
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