Frederick RickmannOPEN THE POD BAY DOORS HAL...... I'm sorry Dave. I can't do thatAt the start of December 2018, the Japanese tv company NHK started tv transmissions in veru high UHD quality. That is in 8K quality which...
Frederick RickmannThe Pillars of the Earth 《上帝之柱》The Pillars of the Earth(作者:Ken Follett肯‧弗雷特)中文版2018年5月在台灣重新再版,據說這套書全球熱賣二千六百萬冊並改編成影集。 我閱讀的是舊版三冊一套,這套書曾在我對前途感到迷茫、找不到出口、覺得厭世時帶給我力量,拍拍...
Frederick RickmannReflections on the pastFrom inside the huge glass ART cube in central Stuttgart, the classic architecture of another age springs to life. Go to the restaurant...
Frederick RickmannURBAN GARDENING SUCCESS IN AARHUS, DENMARKA walk around the newest neighbourhood of Aarhus, the second biggest city of Denmark, offers not only award winning architectural sights...
Frederick RickmannBEYOND ART - INNOVATION IN CHINESE ARTA success of considerable value was experienced in Palazzo delle Stelline. The exhibition entitled Beyond Art opened on the 20th of...