URBAN is a wonderfully creative crossover between urban design and sculpture. Architect Frederick Rickmann, Thinking Urban, has taken the spirit of various famous world cities and reinterpreted them as a light sculpture. The effect is as beautiful as it is dramatic - and very educational.
URBAN是城市設計和雕塑之間極富創意的藝術創作系列作品。丹麥建築事務所 Thinking Urban 首席建築師 Frederick Rickmann 將世界各個著名城市歷史發展的精神重新詮釋並以城市地圖為創意模型展開設計思考,最後以工業設計解決方案完成八件金工雕塑。配合彩色壓克力內襯的運用,作品不但具有教育意義並且在低調的美感中引人注目。
URBAN sculptures are in laser-cut steel and include an inner acrylic form to enhance the fall of light. If you have ever enjoyed the buzz of Manhatten, the excitement of Paris or the wonder of Amsterdam you will cherish the wisdom of an URBAN sculpture. And the art of sculpture doesn't have to be on a grand scale. This art is designed for your home. The heights are 150 mm and 128 mm.
URBAN雕塑採用雷射切割鋼板精製,以超透光高級彩色壓克力為內襯,增強光線的照射效果。如果您喜歡曼哈頓的喧囂,巴黎的浪漫情調或阿姆斯特丹令人讚嘆的景緻,您將會毫不猶豫的收藏URBAN城市立體雕塑金工作品。 雕塑藝術不一定要尺寸巨大。這個系列的藝術品是為您的家而設計的,縮小的尺寸讓您更方便為家居增添趣味。其高度分別為15公分和12.8公分。
The project "MetroART: A crossover between city design and home sculpture" won the GDA Green Sustainability Award in 2023.
Please contact us if you want to buy URBAN, thank you.