It is strange how word-of-mouth connections can spread . From our early designs of residences in both Taiwan and Denmark, we received a series of client inquiries that share a common thread. Notably, these later inquiries predominantly originate from the mountainous terrain surrounding the capital city of Taipei.
口碑行銷的傳播方式總是以出其不意、特別的形式發生在我們的生活和工作裡。 從我們在台灣和丹麥的早期住宅建築設計客戶那邊我們收到了一系列有共同點的客戶詢問,其特點是這些後續接洽的設計案主要來自台灣首都台北周圍的山區。

The steep forest slopes in this region gave us as architects the chance to form compelling environments for our clients. The challenging topography presented unique opportunities for creative expression, pushing us to integrate our ideas seamlessly into the natural landscape. The juxtaposition of modern residences against the backdrop of these lush and steep slopes adds an element of dynamism to the architectural narrative.
該地區陡峭的森林斜坡使我們作為建築師有機會為客戶創造一個舒適宜人又充滿魅力的環境。 具有挑戰性的地形為創意表達提供了獨特的機會,促使我們將想法無縫地融入自然景觀中。 現代住宅與這些鬱鬱蔥蔥的陡坡背景並置,為建築敘事增添了活力。

Once again, we were intrigued by how much the Oriental and the Scandinavian concepts of minimalism seem to run very parallel in expression. Our pursuit of simplicity, functionality, and a harmonious integration with nature echoes in both design philosophies, fostering a cross-cultural dialogue through the language of architecture.
我們再一次對東方和斯堪地納維亞的極簡主義概念在表達上的相似程度感到好奇。 我們對簡約、功能性以及與自然和諧融合的追求在兩種設計理念中得到呼應,透過建築語言促進跨文化對話。