Judy Huang會畫畫不等同會設計「我的孩子從小就愛畫畫是不是應該儘早開始培養他成為設計師?」這句話我不知道聽了多少遍,今天我們就來談談設計和畫畫之間的差異,提供為孩子未來發展煩心的父母們、正計畫未來職涯的年輕學子在踏上設計科系前的評估、參考。 三、五歲的小孩喜歡塗鴨是一件再正常不過的事,這段期間甚至到青春...
DNgroupBathing in bubbly - champagne againFor every design award we win at DN, we crack open a bottle of good champagne. That's a tradition we have had for several years....
DNgroupThe Story of DNgroupIf you are going for global cross-border e-commerce, then innovation and fresh thinking are essential keys to your success. DNgroup is an...
Judy HuangWhat’s the key to a good hula hoop design? 好呼啦圈設計關鍵為何?自2019年底武漢爆發「新冠病毒」疫情迄今已經快兩年了,疫情延燒一年後,室內運動軟體、線上課程、健身器材需求和營收皆大幅成長,且尚未見疲態。可見人人都知道接種疫苗並不是金鐘罩而良好自身免疫才能抵抗病毒,運動是確保體能健康、提升自身免疫的要素之一。...
Frederick RickmannChampagne FlowingIt's an old tradition we have that goes way back. Everytime we get a significant design award, we crack open a bottle of bubbly. This...
Frederick RickmannCorona KillerIt has been described as a quantum leap in robots that can disinfect against viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces using UV-C...